Chameleon Collection

Do you really keen to give vintage look to your home? Infuse your home with sophistication by buying vintage wallpaper collection. Wallpaper has always played a big role in enhancing interior design. With today’s tremendous wallpaper options, the choice of designer Vintage Wallpaper can influence the overall decorative scheme of your home in a big way. You can find a different texture with the help of Vintage Wallpaper for any design of an accent wall. Furthermore, you can achieve a

Wallpapers are used to cover your walls with an artistic, modern or elegant design. Compared to other high end decorating methods like painting or faux finishes, wallpapers are considered to be less expensive. To get best results from wallpaper, one has to identify which patterns work best with each space. In today’s market, one can find a wide variety of wallpaper designs available that have the potential to complement as well as enhance the architecture or interior of the room.


Gone are those days of bright yellow wallpaper that you usually have seen in your grandmother’s bed room. It is time to offer wallpaper another opportunity as a substitute to paint. It is much simpler to add a little of whimsy to a house by employing wallpapers that are accented by a bold or ironic object. Paint just does not get the message across as easily as a wallpaper. A vintage wallpaper design can immediately impart a serious or formal mood. Wallpapers are on a comeback, and there’re
